Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Food Cravings

Winning Over Those Food Cravings

Have a craving for something unhealthy? Want those chips NOW? Why not try some of these tips to help you deal with those unhealthy food cravings:

Don’t ever be without your water
If you’re leaving the house, make sure some healthy snacks go with you (place in single-serving size baggies)
Go for a walk; it will help with the food craving, the stress, and it will burn calories
Make sure you eat your three meals a day with a healthy mid-afternoon (when I most need the pick-me-up) snack
Keep your foods high fiber to help stabilize your blood sugar; helps control hunger too
Call a friend and have a nice visit; calorie-free and enjoyable
Write down when you have a craving and what the craving is for; tracking is a good way to help control the cravings
Never eat the unhealthy food from the package; control your portions.
Write down some healthier alternatives to your cravings; instead of ice cream try frozen yogurt, instead of chips and dip why not try some baked chips and salsa.
Let’s face it, cravings are going to come and go. With the above tips and some of your own, you can control how you are going to react to those cravings. Whatever you do, stop feeling guilty and blaming yourself for giving in to your food cravings. That will only make your mood worse and increase your need for serotonin, which results in more unhealthy eating.

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